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30 / Essential Components of Product Culture

Bruce McCarthy
Product Culture

Before we jump headlong into implementing Lean or Agile. Before we decide that OKRs offer the best chance to set goals and measure results. And before we determine that a particular design methodology will lead us to successful product development, product leaders need to understand the “underlying cultural things about teams and about companies that …

Bruce McCarthy
Product Culture

29 / Empathy is the Catalyst for Innovation

Saleema Vellani

Design thinking calls on product people to put themselves in their customer’s shoes. To empathize with them. Saleema Vellani agrees, but adds that empathy is borne out of self-awareness and that understanding others requires us first to understand ourselves.  In this episode of the Product Momentum Podcast, Sean and Paul welcome Saleema Vellani, author of the …

Saleema Vellani

Overcoming Barriers To Successful Product Discovery

To those in the digital product space, the term “Discovery Phase” will likely wash over us like many of the other oft-touted buzz words of our industry. But a healthy discovery process allows us to understand product-market fit and identify key user needs. What’s keeping us from incorporating this valuable learning into our products? We believe it’s either ignorance, intuition, or inertia that stands in the way of successful discovery.

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28 / Savvy PMs Engage All Their Audiences

Rich Mironov
Product Coach, Writer, Speaker

  It was the best of jobs; it was the worst of jobs. (apologies to Mr. Dickens) While everyone else has carved out their own place in the organization, the product manager is the person nobody works for. And who, it often seems, works for everybody else. But their role also puts them at the …

Rich Mironov
Product Coach, Writer, Speaker

27 / Product Success Starts with a Clear Vision

Radhika Dutt
Radical Product Thinking

A product’s vision communicates the change we want to bring to the world, Radhika Dutt says. It starts with why, but in the same breath also answers for whom. That’s why a great vision statement is outwardly focused. Product teams craft them not to declare our own goals and aspirations, but to focus attention and …

Radhika Dutt
Radical Product Thinking

How To Design Secure Systems That Support Remote Teams

If you’re concerned about security now that your team is working remotely, you’ve been doing it wrong.

Even as the economy slowly reopens, the global coronavirus pandemic is forcing many businesses to ask employees to continuing to work from home. While system security is always a top priority, a number of clients have only recently shared their security concerns now that their folks are working remotely.

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26 / Empowered Teams Build the Best Products

Marty Cagan
Silicon Valley Product Group

The difference between the best product companies and the rest is pretty stark. And you don’t have to wait until the end of the fiscal quarter to figure which is which. Those lagging indicators will tell you only what happened. Past tense. On the other hand, if you’re more interested in what will happen, begin …

Marty Cagan
Silicon Valley Product Group

25 / 5 Ways That Trust Inspires Innovation

Stephen M. R. Covey

Trust is the ultimate collaboration tool within teams. So says Stephen Covey, who joins Sean and Paul on this episode of the Product Momentum Podcast. In fact, trust is so vital that innovation cannot occur in its absence. Steven is the best-selling author of The Speed of Trust who has taught leadership around the world. …

Stephen M. R. Covey

24 / How to Overcome Barriers to Innovation

Jake Knapp
Designer, Author, Person

Product people chase innovation. Sometimes we grow frustrated by how much time it takes “to get there” and how many barriers to innovation stand in our way. We’ve been led to believe that sprinting as fast as we can toward innovation will help us catch that lightning in a bottle, all the while failing to …

Jake Knapp
Designer, Author, Person

Vitals Update App Creates Hope Through Innovation

With the launch of the Vitals Update app, everyone at ITX Corp. is so incredibly proud to take a stand in the fight against novel coronavirus. We developed the Vitals Update software solution to enable healthcare professionals to monitor potential COVID-19 cases while patients report their symptoms from quarantine.

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